Saturday 25 August 2012

At last some movement upwards on the RDA of vitamin D in Europe

EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of vitamin D. EFSA Journal 2012;10(7):2813. [45 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2813. 

Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies was asked to re-evaluate the safety in use of vitamin D and to provide, if necessary, revised Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) of vitamin D for all relevant population groups. The ULs for adults including pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents were revised. For adults, hypercalcaemia was selected as the indicator of toxicity. In two studies in men, intakes between 234 and 275 microgram/day (9,360-11,000U/day) were not associated with hypercalcaemia, and a no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 250 microgram/day (10,000U) was established. Taking into account uncertainties associated with these studies, the UL for adults including pregnant and lactating women was set at 100 microgram/day (4,000U/day). Despite a continuing paucity of data for high vitamin D intakes in children and adolescents, the UL was adapted to 100  microgram/day for ages 11-17 years (4,000U/day), considering that owing to phases of rapid bone formation and growth this age group is unlikely to have a lower tolerance for vitamin D compared to adults. The same applies also to children aged 1-10 years, but taking into account their smaller body size, a UL of 50 microgram/day is proposed (2,000U/day). For infants, the UL of 25 microgram/day (1,000U/day) based on previously available data relating high vitamin D intakes to impaired growth and hypercalcaemia was retained as limited additional evidence has emerged since the previous risk assessment. Data on vitamin D intakes from surveys in 14 European countries indicate that intakes in high consumers are below the revised ULs for vitamin D for all population groups. © European Food Safety Authority, 2012.

"This is great news, at last the recommended daily allowances for vD are moving upwards. As we live and work in the EU I feel we should take these recommendations to heart and get as many people as possible to adopt them."


Adults 18 years or older = 4,000 U/day or 100 micrograms/day
Children 11-17 years of age = 4,000 U/day or 100 micrograms/day
Children 1-10 years of age = 2,000 U/day or 50 micrograms/day
Infants less than 1year of age = 1,000 U/day or 25 micrograms/day

Maximum safe dose or NOAEL = 11,000 U/day or 275 micrograms/day